The Kindness Factor Podcast
Join hosts Dr. Elia Gourgouris - The Happiness Doctor, also known as the "Happy Greek", and Randy McNeely - Captain Kindman, as they bring in intriguing guests who share impactful personal experiences with the transformative power of kindness.
BE WARNED - You'll more than likely come away with a case of "pay it forwarditis" and a desire to join the growing #kindnemic working to spread the kindness contagion wherever you go!
Dr. Elia Gourgouris worked for over two decades as a clinical psychologist and has worked in the corporate coaching and speaking industries for well over a decade teaching and speaking specifically on well-being and happiness. His appealing accent, thought provoking questions, unique perspective, and light-hearted banter will be food for your mind and happiness for your heart.
Randy McNeely, known as The Kindness Giver, is a reformed Cybersecurity professional. After working for nearly two decades where he played the role of the security/risk professional that everyone loved to hate, Randy retired his clipboard and risk assessment documents to take on the more personally impactful role of kindness engineer. You'll enjoy listening as Randy utilizes his unique experience to ask insightful questions that inspire heart-grabbing responses.
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The Kindness Factor Podcast
Kindness Worldwide - Be the Change You Want to See in the World - Kevin Smith
What if you could be part of a movement that is making the world a brighter, happier, more peaceful place? If you knew that this movement would allow you to step up and step into the shoes of a kindness hero every day, delivering love through simple acts of kindness, WOULD YOU BE IN?
If you said yes, then this episode is a must listen!
Our guest today is a financial advisor turned kindness advocate and kindness movement creator, the amazing founder of Kindness Worldwide Kevin Smith. Listen to learn more about the "Why" behind Kevin's kindness advocacy and how you can be part of the kindness story and help build cultures of kindness around the world!
WARNING: Parts of the conversation at the beginning of this episode get rather heavy as there is some discussion of the recent tragic events involving a shooting in York, PA, Kevin's hometown. The events are only touched on briefly, and the focus shifts to discussing the solutions kindness can provide to prevent and also recover from such tragedies and create the change we want to see in the world.
Connect with Kevin:
Website: https://kindnessworldwide.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kindnessweekofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kindnessweekofficial/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-smith-a0040a19/
Linkedin - Kindness Worldwide: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kindness-week-worldwide/
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